Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A young man's worst nightmare...

I am afraid we gave some poor unsuspecting young man a very nervous moment.

I was sitting at La Madeleine's with my children when my son heard the sound of a man's dress shoes walking across the floor. Apparently Wythe associates the click-clack sound with my husband, his little face lit up and he said to me "I hear daddy!"  Then he turned around in his chair and right about the time this young man was nearing our table said in a loud and excited voice "THERE'S DADDY!!!"

The poor man almost dropped his tray.

He looked at my son, then looked at me and apparently not recognizing me felt enough relief to continue on his way.

I did catch him glancing over at our table a few times but it may have been to just reassure himself that he has never seen us before.   Probably trying to figure out why he just got called daddy, I doubt he will ever realize it was his shoes.

Sorry, dude....didn't mean to give you a bad moment there.

We enjoyed the rest of our lunch, even though we didn't get a new daddy "to-go".  I'm sure my hubby will be happy about that.

A & W enjoying the waterfront in Old Town Alexandria

'til next time...

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