The addition project continues…
We had hoped to have it done in 2009 and for awhile Peter was making great progress but then we had a discouraging inspection and the momentum got derailed. The county inspector is requiring a lot of additional items that were not required on the approved plans, it is all stuff that can be done by Peter but it added a lot of work.
Peter decided to focus on finishing some projects inside the house such as re-tiling the entrance floor and re-tiling the shower wall where we had to remove the window for the addition. They both turned out very nice. The tile in the living room is particularly nice. It was previously a blue and while tile, we changed it to a darker green, taupe, burgundy tile. Our new woodstove also arrived and we are enjoying the “free” heat from that!
As far as the addition goes the next big project is the drywall but we have to pass the inspection to do drywall. So Peter is working on finishing the laundry room area so that we can relocate the washer, dryer and hot water heaters. That will enable him to complete the electricity for the inspection.
"Wythe playing in what will be the new piano room"
looking into the bedroom
from the bedroom looking at the bathroom(left) and closet(right)
"hmmm...daddy won't miss a few of these..."
"let me climb on up and check that out for you, dad..."
‘til next time…